Canadian atheists Canadian atheists
True, Northern, Strong, and Free
[2019-Dec-01 event: A night of Blasphemy - Hysterical Damnation (atheist comedy)]

Events :: A night of Blasphemy - Hysterical Damnation (atheist comedy; 2019-Dec-01)

A night of Blasphemy - Hysterical Damnation (atheist comedy) presented by the Atheist Republic and Canadian atheists, hosted by HOOD29 (Main Street's Home of the Blues), featuring comedians Al Hassam and Goldie Hoffman.

Location:  4470 Main Street (HOOD29), Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Date:  Sunday, December 1, 2019
Time:  17:00 (5:00pm) presentation (everyone is welcome, and all are encouraged to arrive early)
Admission:  Free (no cover fee; patrons are responsible for buying their own food and drinks)

A special note of appreciation goes to the Atheist Republic for arranging our guest presenters and for contacting us with this wonderful opportunity to contribute to this event.

Sincerely, and with warmest regards,

Randolf Richardson
President of the Canadian atheists

Photographs from this event


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